Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

TipsKarirCom tweeted: Lowongan Kerja Sanghiang Perkasa Kalbe Nutritional, posisi Finance Supervisor, deadline 25 Feb. Info lengkap, klik>

TipsKarirCom @LokerDir
Lowongan Kerja Sanghiang Perkasa Kalbe Nutritional, posisi Finance Supervisor, deadline 25 Feb. Info lengkap, klik> tipskarir.com/loker/lowongan…
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Folback dulu ~ @PejuangKuis
#RT Selamat pagi, mari awali hari ini dan awal bulan februari dengan Bismillah agar jadi lebih berkah. :') *gt*
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Mario Teguh @MTLovenHoney
Bekerja-keraslah mengejar impian, tapi mulailah dari rasa syukur. Mario Teguh
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XL Axiata  @XL123
Bulan baru, semangat baru.

Apa nih #WishLists kamu di Bulan Februari ini guys? Share yuk!
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Info Kuis @infokuis
Ada gadget baru gratisan kalo Ikut kirim selfie #GakLeBay before & after @ngePopMie! . Cek facebook.com/notes/pop-mie/…
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Dino Pranoto Prayogo

P : 0812-8186-9417

E : dino@vincloth.com

W: www.vincloth.com

Jl. Papanggo 3c No. 28 Rt 007/005, Tanjung priok - Jakarta utara

Monthly report for Amazon.com Associate ID shostoonl0a-20 - November 2015

Dear Amazon Associate,

We have recently made payments to Associates for the advertising fees earned in the program during the month of November 2015. However, we were unable to pay you because of one of the following reasons:
* Preferred method for receiving payment (eg; EFT, Check or Gift Card) was not indicated
* EFT was indicated but a previous disbursement into your bank account failed
* You have not completed mandatory tax interview or tax information needs to be updated.
* We will not be able to pay you if you indicated while taking the tax information interview that you provide your services both inside and outside the United States. This means that you are physically present inside the United States for part, but not all, of the time you are doing business with the Amazon Associates program. Merely being a member of the Amazon Associates US program does not mean that you supply your services both inside and outside the United States. You can retake the TAX information interview and answer the question as 'No' if you think you answered the question as 'Yes' in error.

Please go to Associates Central to update your information so that we can process your payment as soon as possible:

* To change your payee information, go to Associates Central >> Account Settings >> Change your contact information ( https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/network/your-account/payee-info.html ).

* To change your bank account information, go to Associates Central >> Account Settings >> Change your payment method (under Pay me by direct deposit) ( https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/network/your-account/payment-info.html ).

* To change your tax information, go to Associates Central >> AccountSettings >> Change your Tax Information (https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/network/your-account/main.html)

* If you do provide services both inside and outside the United States, you will need to supply some additional information before we can pay you. We will reach out to you to gather this information.

Please update your account information as soon as possible. We will hold this payment and any future payments until you make the necessary changes. You will know we have processed your payment when the payment error message disappears from the top of Associates Central homepage.

We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us anytime at https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/contact.

Thanks again for participating in the Amazon Associates Program.

The Amazon.com Associates Program

Invoice Payment Reminder

Asian Brain Hosting dan Domain

Dear Dino Pranoto (Personal),

This is a billing reminder that your invoice no. 59253 which was generated on 15/01/2016 is due on 14/02/2016.

Your payment method is: Bank Transfer

Invoice: 59253
Amount Due: Rp.120.000,00 IDR
Due Date: 14/02/2016

You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at http://www.asianbrainserver.com/klien/viewinvoice.php?id=59253

Asian Brain Hosting
Bandung Jawa Barat - INDONESIA
SMS Only: 0878 22 33 5000 (Konfirmasi Pembayaran)

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2016

Sanjay Rathod tweeted: ठंड मे ठिठुरते देख,दो महिलाओ को जब कंबल देने की कोशिश की गयी तो वो गुस्सा कर बोली जाइए काम करिए अपना हम गरीब नही हम तो शादी मे जा रहे है!😂

Sanjay Rathod @Sanjay_Vis
ठंड मे ठिठुरते देख,दो महिलाओ को जब कंबल देने की कोशिश की गयी तो वो गुस्सा कर बोली

जाइए काम करिए अपना

हम गरीब नही हम तो शादी मे जा रहे है!😂
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Jagonya Trending @JagonyaKUIS
Beso ada kuis pantengin terus TL mimin ya.. Pilih hadiah nya
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dahSyat @dahSyatMusik
Haaii sahabat dahSyat!! Udah pada bangun kan? Jgn lupa sarapan & olahraga pagi biar sehat. Abis itu kita seru2an brg #dahSyatMingguHappy ya
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S. B. Yudhoyono  @SBYudhoyono
Menikmati indahnya matahari terbenam di Pantai Kuta, Bali, 28 Januari 2016.
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Kalimantan Selatan @WargaBanua
Liburan bingung mau kemana? Yukk cek tempat-tempat wisata di Kalimantan Selatan. Kunjungi Instagram @Instakalsel.
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Yusuf Mansur @Yusuf_Mansur
Lokal... Mau MEA, mau EMA... Lokal aja kita mah... Kecuali dibeliin. Hohohohoho... instagram.com/p/BBKMTOpKLJI/
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